I’m delighted to announce the release of eBay Feeds for WordPress 1.5!
This version adds a new feature for developers as well as clean up a lot of redundant code.
New Feature – Debug Mode!
Added to eBay Feeds for WordPress is a brand new “Debug Mode”. This is simply a tickbox on the dashboard that, when ticked, displays a message to logged in administrators should a feed not be displaying correctly. This displays the error associated with the feed.
The need comes from the fact there was a debug version of eBay Feeds for WordPress that I ran locally. I’ve decided to mix this in with the plugin as often when people requested support on the support forum the first thing I’d do is to ask them to run the debug version. I’ve decided to integrate it with the main software to hopefully speed up support requests.
This error doesn’t display to users who aren’t administrators.
Other updates
I also included two minor updates:-
- There were a few notices that displayed when WP Debug Mode was switched on. These have all been replaced.
- I’ve cleaned up the code with proper indentation and conforms (more) to WordPress standards.
- Removed the last remnance of the old plugin URL and links.
To download version 1.5, please click the button below.
Download eBay Feeds for WordPress 1.5
To receive further updates, please sign up to our mailing list, which you can do in the sidebar.
Finally, the project is on Github. You can find it on Github here. I’ve also created a list of issues (a roadmap if you will) of changes to implement. Feel free to add (or try and fix) them!
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