Tonight I’m delighted to announce the release of Easy Digital Downloads – Taxamo Integration, version 1.1!
This plugin is considered a major release, due to the amount of clean up that has been done in the past week on this plugin, as well as adding a new feature.
First and foremost, the biggest change is that now Internationalisation works on the plugin. People can now translate the plugin into whatever language they choose. This is pretty much vital for the plugin as most of the people who probably use this plugin are European based.
A Finnish translation of the plugin is also included.
Code Cleanups
This update has removed a bunch of files that were effectively redundant, and makes it a lot cleaner as well, as javascript files are only called on relevant pages, speeding up the plugin. Finally we’ve added a few security checks to prevent files to be accessed directly.
A lot of these updates were due to the work of Sami Keijonen (@samikeijonen), so be sure to say thanks to him!
To download the latest version of the plugin, please click the link below:-
Download Easy Digital Downloads -Taxamo Integration
Keep Upto Date
Finally, to keep upto date with the plugin, please check out the Github issues for a possible future roadmap of the plugin, or subscribe to the mailing list below.
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