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So as alluded to in the previous post, 2015 has been an interesting year for me personally, and professionally there’s been a lot of changes as well, most of which has been good. This post will hopefully be a bunch of thoughts on the year.


Scrum Down

Right. I’ve no idea if this is Scrum or Agile Project Management or what it is called, but I changed the way I worked with great benefits.

I now work on two week sprints, using a combination of Trello and Remember The Milk to manage my workload. Two of my tasks are to write 2 blog posts, as well as structure the next 2 weeks.

This has allowed me to iterate things pretty quickly and push out updates fairly regularly. The Trello connects with my Github too, which makes it even better.


There has been a few nice developments in the past year, as I get away from having such a strong focus on WordPress development for my earnings. The rise of Wrestling Betting has been nice, and I wouldn’t mind growing it further. I have a SAAS (which in itself won’t earn to begin with) coming out next year sometime, as well as expanding some offerings on WP Email Capture. That is the rough plan for 2016.

…Yet Focus

And yet, various things in 2015 has lead to me to think about things and what I will focus on. As such, I made a promise to myself that my extra curricular activities would focus on two things, either the project must make me money, or it must be something I enjoy. And honestly speaking the latter is more important to me now. This realisation led me to drop Easy Digital Downloads – Taxamo Integration, as it became too unwieldy. This is the first time I’ve ever really dropped a project.

A Few Final Thoughts – AMA

This compares the first 11 months of the year from 2014 to 2015. I’m planning on giving up a bunch of data on my sites, so if you want to know anything about my sites and their offering, rather than provide any sort of data, I’d like questions on what you would like to see. This will hopefully provide the basis of a post next year. So If you want anything answered on my offerings, please leave a comment!

Winwar Media Site

Traffic is up 90.5% on last year. This year was a full year entirely of blogging, so that explains a lot. The most visitors in one day was 170 on Tuesday 12th May.

The most successful post was Setting Up SSL for WordPress on Digitalocean using Serverpilot. The most successfuly plugin page was WP Taxi Me – Premium.

WP Email Capture

Traffic is down -31.81% on last year. This site had been lying stagnant as I had spent the year rewriting WP Email Capture to WP Email Capture 3.0. Monday 26th March had the most traffic in one day as 61 people arrived on that day.

My most successful post was How to Set Up WP Email Capture Free.

Wrestling Betting

Traffic is up 18.13% on last year. There is a massive spikes in traffic on Wrestling Betting, with the site only really busy the week around a Pay Per View. This is something that I would like to focus on next year. The biggest day on the site last year was Sunday 29th March with 690 on the site. This was the same date as Wrestlemania 31, so that’s no surprise.

The biggest page on the site outside the blog was my Wrestling Betting Sites & Odds page. Unsurprisingly the biggest post of the year was my Wrestlemania 31 Betting Tips page.

This is the final post of 2015 on this blog. Thanks for reading! We will be back mid January with a few new posts, as well as a few announcements. We will see you then!

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