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Today I’m delighted to announce the release of Inline Tweet Sharer 2.2, in both free & premium.

This version, for both the free & premium version, adds in Gutenberg Support, as well as adds an extra feature to the Premium Version.

Gutenberg Support

The main feature is added support for WordPress New Editor, codenamed Gutenberg. In the previous iteration of Inline Tweet Sharer, the button didn’t appear in Gutenberg boxes, now it does.

To use the Inline Tweet Sharer link within Gutenberg, you need to use the “Classic Editor” block and it appears. You can still put shortcodes in other blocks (such as the “Paragraph” block), but to use the UI, you need to create posts in the Classic Editor block.

Premium Feature: Replacement Text

You can now completely change the tweeted text from the selected text. This will allow you to select longer strings within the text and make them links but the text you tweet will be a lot shorter or indeed completely different (try it on this link for an example!). This is done using an additional attribute to the premium shortcode ‘replacement’, which is also present in the UI.

Extra Features

We’ve also changed some of the wording on the dashboard, as we felt it wasn’t completely clear at times.


To download the latest version of the plugin, please click the link below:-

Download Inline Tweet Sharer

To purchase the premium version it’s only £25/year. To purchase the premium version please click the link below.

Billed yearly until cancelled

First year. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Ongoing subscriptions have a 30% discount.
Extensions subject to yearly license for support and updates.

Keep Upto Date

Finally, to keep upto date with the plugin, please check out the Github issues for a possible future roadmap of the plugin, or subscribe to the mailing list below.



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